Ella Windner
Landscape Architecture
Greening Tory Street
Re-generating Tory Street to become a climate adaptive urban space. The design responds to climate change and the associated urban-heat island effect, flooding and habitats restoration. The street becomes a key eco-system in the city, and an important ecological corridor connecting green spaces around the city fringe and waterfront.
Ella Windner
LAND312: Landscape Architecture Design Studio IV / Te Taupuni Mahi Pokepoke, Whakarākei hoki i a Papa-tūā-nuku IV
Other Projects
The Famous Flower of Serving Men
By Jenny Gatehouse
Communication Design - Hoahoa ā-Whakakōrero
Reclaim Your Uncertainty
By Ronia Ibrahim
Communication Design - Hoahoa ā-Whakakōrero
A Current Past: An exploration into the resurgence of waterways in modern urbanscapes of Aotearoa New Zealand
By Isabel Whaley
Landscape Architecture
Other Projects
The Famous Flower of Serving Men
By Jenny Gatehouse
Communication Design - Hoahoa ā-Whakakōrero
Reclaim Your Uncertainty
By Ronia Ibrahim
Communication Design - Hoahoa ā-Whakakōrero
A Current Past: An exploration into the resurgence of waterways in modern urbanscapes of Aotearoa New Zealand
By Isabel Whaley
Landscape Architecture